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Your first consultation within our clinic with Dr Carter, does not require a GP referral. If you already have a GP referral, this can be faxed to (07) 3284 8260 or emailed to us at


When you come for your appointment, please remember to bring the following if you have them:

  • Medicare card or Pension Card.

  • Private Health Insurance details (if you are covered).

  • Copies of results, x-rays, MRI's, CT scans etc. and any other relevant information.

Referrals - No Referral Required


Once it has been determined that you need an operation, our staff will provide you with a cost estimate for your surgery. Medicare will usually reimburse for a first consultation, but your Private Health insurance will not. Many private health funds will help reimburse any gap between our fees and your Medicare reimbursement if you require surgery. It's best to call your fund ahead of time to determine what refund you can expect.


Dr Brosnan uses the Australian Medical Association recommended fee to guide fees charged. This means that in most instances, there will be a portion of your surgical fee that Medicare or your health fund will not cover. It is important that you ask about this gap before receiving treatment.

Health Insurance & Uninsured Patients

Queensland Carpal Tunnel Clinic have treated many uninsured patients. If you don't have health insurance, we can discuss our fix-rate fee at the time of your consultation. There are various ways of funding it, including accessing superannuation funds.


Our friendly office staff will offer you assistance in navigating the financial part of your surgery. This includes help with paperwork, hospital admissions, medical fund rebate.


Please contact (07) 3889 4418 if you have any enquiries.

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